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Youth Connection are starting a new Ambassador scheme. We're opening up new positions for 4 of our current members to take the title of Ambassador and represent the group across Social Media. 

What We Want From You

We are looking for you to be an active Social Media presence on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, while also keeping up to date on the latest platforms. We expect for you to:


  • Add at least 2 posts per month tagging/mentioning Youth Connection - with links to YC Social Media accounts or

  • Create your own exciting content.

  • Posts must be positive, legal and not in breach of copyright law or copyright agreements.

  • Use the Youth Connection Logo in images where appropriate.

  • Add posts more frequently in the run up to shows, including rehearsal and backstage images (where copyright allows).

  • Share all Youth Connection social media account posts.

  • Behave online in an appropriate manner, any behaviour deemed by Youth Connection to be inappropriate can lead to the removal from the position.

Benefits For You

While being any member of Youth Connection has a huge amount of benefits, such as confidence growth, talent building and friendship making, the Ambassador position will give you the following:


  • The title of Charity Ambassador - great for CVs, applications and an honourable position overall.

  • Recognised on the Youth Connection website on the Ambassadors page.

  • Recognised in the show programs as an Ambassador.

  • 2 free tickets for each show for your family or friends.

  • A "YC AMBASSADOR" T-Shirt.


Please note this is a voluntary position, you will not be paid an income or be classed as an employee. The positions will be reviewed and renewed on an annual basis.

To Apply

Write a brief description, between 100 - 250 words, telling us:


  • why you want to be an Ambassador;

  • what you would do in the role;

  • what social media platforms you use;

  • why you would be good for the role.


Also include an example picture/post/meme or other content that you would use.


Send the lot to


Deadline for applications is 29th May 2020.

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